Artists & Artisans Awake! Creativity & the Global Harvest
Since 2005, Bhari Long and her husband James have ministered at Christian conferences and events attended by small groups or thousands, across the UK, in US, Scandinavia and Europe, painting as their act of worship and intercession.
“Prophetic art is all about expressing the heart of God and the revelation of the Holy Spirit.” Bhari Long, Author

Often the visual themes they paint during a conference are identical to the word preached, or may illustrate a hymn or worship song that is sung. Sometimes their pictures confirm something very specific for one person there.
In fact, Heidi Baker of Iris Global discovered God had given Bhari the very same vision that birthed her own ministry to orphans and street children in Mozambique: Bhari had actually painted it! Heidi saw the painting in the window of a bookshop as she walked past – and was astonished to see the exact same image! It came at a crucial time and was really encouraging for Heidi.
In 2008, Bhari felt she was commissioned by God to write the book when three people on both sides of the Atlantic confirmed it whilst praying for her!
She says “Writing this book has been like sounding a 999 “wake-up” call for Christians to use their God-given creative gifts to glorify God, for His plans and purposes. It feels as if God is calling artists and artisans worldwide to redeem the Arts, restore the Arts to the Church and get ready for the global harvest.” She adds “I believe we’re on the cusp of a Renaissance in the Body of Christ that will celebrate beauty, truth and excellence. It will reveal the truth of God to a searching generation and restore hope to the hopeless.”
“Bhari Long’s book discusses a topic that is at the forefront of where we will see Christians begin to emerge: discovering the significance of how creativity relates to God and our culture.”Theresa Dedmon, US Bethel Church Creative Arts Director
The book is based on biblical teaching about prophetic gifts and explores the role of artisans in the Bible, encouraging those with creative talents to use them purposefully today. It is aimed at every creative soul, including those who may have felt little understood, undervalued or perhaps even marginalised by the Church, or had their artistic gifts dismissed as a child. Bhari’s goal is to inspire and encourage, and bring renewed hope to those who have almost given up on a lifelong dream or ambition to serve God wholeheartedly with every ounce of their being, using their God-given talents and abilities. Bhari is passionate about helping people realise their full creative potential; come into alignment with their calling and destiny and passing the baton on to train up prophetic artists, trainers and mentors.
The book launch was also a celebration of the creative arts for God’s glory. Bhari read passages and poems from her new book and singer/songwriter/producer Rachel Jane, sang tracks from her new EP, “Back of the Wind” also launched in May 2015. Rachel Jane is their daughter. Aged just 12, she was invited to sing in the backing group for a US worship team at a Christian conference broadcast globally on GOD TV. Rachel is also a Worship Leader for Joshua Generation at Bath City Church, Bath, UK.
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Kindle Edition: 4.79
“Bhari Long’s book discusses a topic that is at the forefront of where we will see Christians begin to emerge: discovering the significance of how creativity relates to God and our culture.”Theresa Dedmon, Creative Arts Director, Bethel Church, Redding, California, USA.
“With clear prophetic vision carried in the heart of a mother, Bhari has added another important facet to the vision God is releasing to His creative warriors all over the earth. I wholeheartedly recommend this book.” Matt Tommey, Founder, The Worship Studio, N.Carolina, USA.
“This book offers powerful guidelines and practical examples for all artists, and trains them for reigning. I am sure you will find crucial and decisive answers for your life.” Jorn Lange, Founder of Kadosh Art, YWAM, Cyprus.
“Such a powerful, inspiring book that touches the emotions and plumbs the depths. It has truly been a ‘deep calls to deep’ experience.”Moyra Trimby, Artist and Art Group Leader, Gloucestershire, UK.
“Artists & Artisans Awake! is a successful blend of the author’s own journey into prophetic creativity together with insights which are both helpful snd challenging. Through narrative, anecdote, testimonies and practical exercises, Bhari brings encouragement and inspiration across a wide range of artistic expression. If you seek to go deeper into this precious gift of God – this book is for you. Read, enjoy and be blessed.”Gordon Wright, broadcaster, therapist, founder of Crossline Christian Ministries, UK.
” ‘Artists and Artisans Awake!’ has encouraged, guided, challenged and developed both the God-given gift of prophetic art as well as my faith and it has encouraged me to start playing my clarinet in worship to God again. I wanted to read it twice as there is so much in this book that there are always new things to learn! It has been an inspiration to me. Be prepared to have your thinking, life and faith stretched and challenged. Be excited and encouraged to run with the creative gifts God has given you and learn to hear his voice and know his heart. This book is a fantastic tool to support your journey into prophetic art and the creative arts.”Marie Poole
“Yesterday I had a five hour train ride and that gave me the opportunity to read your book. It was very encouraging and delightful to see how much we dovetail in many areas.”Christ John Otto, author of 'An Army Arising' Why artists are on the frontline of the next move of God
“I cannot tell you how very special this book is to me and to my work. It could not have come at a better time …. It is truly an inspiring book and has opened a door of opportunities for our church where our creative gifts are encouraged. It has also refired my own desire to get on with my work in all the artistic areas, as I used to in the past from home – but now maybe in the church as well. Thank you!”Penny Buglass
“Your book has come into my life at the perfect time, just when I needed guidance and encouragement. Thank you so much for writing it! I am planning to start a dance ministry at my church and your book is full of wisdom. I want to listen to what God is saying to me and use the gifts He has given me. It was a joy to meet you!”Melinda Welch