Prophetic Art
James and Bhari Long are prophetic artists and mentors, raising sons and daughters of the Kingdom; equipping and releasing them into their creative callings and destinies. Pioneers of prophetic art in the UK and overseas since 2004, they paint at Christian conferences and events; hold prophetic art exhibitions, workshops, courses and retreats; and host the annual Olive Grove gatherings for the creative arts sphere and the international prophetic art leaders gathering.
The Vision
Global culture transformed by God’s army of artists and artisans in partnership with the Holy Spirit worldwide.
The Mission
The mission is to call forth, equip, empower and raise up God’s army of artists and artisans to restore the arts to the Church; to usher in the coming Renaissance; to take back the ‘Mountain of the Arts and Entertainment’ and to bring in the global harvest, by partnering with the Holy Spirit worldwide.
Artists & Artisans Awake!
"UK Author Sounds Wake Up Call for Christian Artists"
Visual artist, mentor and first-time author Bhari Long, launched her long-awaited book entitled “ARTISTS & ARTISANS AWAKE! Creativity & the Global Harvest,” Saturday 2nd May 2015. The book is thought to be the very first of its kind on this subject in the UK, and is aimed at Christians who have creative gifts of all kinds ranging from painting to poetry, dance to drama, singing to sculpting, rapping to writing, and from leading worship to weaving.
It is available via this website, price £9.99.